Postnatal Self-Care: Start here When it comes to Your Emotional and Mental Health
If you’re reading this, the likelihood is that you’ve just had your baby. Congratulations! You did it!
Published on: 17/04/2024 | Last updated on: 17/04/2024
Welcome to your guide on the follicular phase of your menstrual cycle, the unsung hero of your menstrual cycle. This phase kicks off right after your period and stretches until ovulation, serving as your body’s preparation time for potential pregnancy. The follicular phase typically doesn’t gather much attention due to its subtle yet positive symptoms, understanding the second phase of your cycle is crucial for optimising your well-being or planning for a baby. In this article we delve into the symptoms, hormone changes, let you know how to track this phase, and how to harness the energy boost it often brings.
Scientists include the menstruation phase in the follicular phase. They categorise this as the early and late follicular phases. This can be confusing, so we have separated them.
The follicular phase is the second phase of your menstrual cycle, sitting in between your menstrual phase (period) and ovulation.
It is called the ‘follicular’ phase because it is during this phase you are growing and developing follicles in the ovaries. Each follicle is a small sac that contains an egg.
The follicular phase involves more than just estrogen and progesterone…
There are four key hormones during the follicular phase:
The follicular phase begins when your brain sends a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to your ovaries. This hormone tells your ovaries to get some eggs ready in preparation for potential fertilisation and becoming pregnant during ovulation a little later during your cycle.
Your ovaries get to work by producing eggs, each one in its own shell or sac. It is this egg, within the sac, that is called a follicle. Typically, a woman will have a number of follicles in her ovaries prepared, per cycle.
Although your body is preparing multiple eggs, usually one egg (and therefore follicle) becomes fully mature. The rest stop growing and are absorbed back into the body.
As the follicles grow, they produce estrogen. Your estrogen levels rise helps to thicken the lining of your uterus preparing for that potential pregnancy, but also help to control the FSH levels so that the chosen egg continues to mature and the others don’t.
When the estrogen levels are high enough, it signals to the brain to release of a burst of lutenising hormone (LH), which finishes the maturing of the chosen egg, and causes it to be released by the ovary.
The release of this mature egg is what we call ovulation.
On average, the follicular phase, after your menstruation phase, should last 7 days.
Your follicular phase length will depend on your cycle length, however. This can change from month to month, too.
As the follicular phase follows the menstruation phase, when your period finishes, you will be in your follicular phase.
Some women report:
Others just feel back to normal after their period, but nothing new.
The week after your next period, notice how you feel. Do you feel any of these?
If you are someone who has a regular menstrual cycle, you will be able to calculate when your follicular phase begins and could be ending. Lets take the example of the average cycle, 28 days.
Day one of your period, is also day one of your menstrual cycle. Make a note of when your period ends. The first day you don’t have your period, would be day one of your follicular phase.
We know that ovulation takes place around day 15 of your menstrual cycle, now you do the maths.
The time between the first non-period day, and day 15 (roughly) is likely your follicular phase. Keep this in mind.
You can do this using period tracking apps like flo, Clue, and more.
A quick search and browse on the app store will help choose the best menstrual cycle tracking app for you.
*tracking apps are not completely accurate. We recommend you use them as a guide.
During your period (menstruation phase) you would have needed to deploy some sort of measure to catch your period blood and prevent it from seeping into your underwear and clothes. Thankfully you are relieved from these duties during your follicular phase.
During your follicular phase, you will have little to no vaginal discharge or cervical mucus. But as you get closer to ovulation, you may experience clear, watery, and sticky discharge.
Keep an eye out and observe the pattern of your vaginal discharge throughout your cycle.
Ovulation tests are not necessary for tracking your follicular phase, but they are an option.
If you use ovulation tests, you will be able to identify when you are ovulating – signifying that you have moved from the follicular phase to the ovulation phase.
Once you have a positive ovulation test, you can work backward to when your period ended. In-between then is your follicular phase.
Once again, not necessary for tracking your follicular phase unless you have a reason to.
During the follicular phase, the average basal body temperature is between 36.1°C and 36.4°C (97°F and 97.5°F).
It is during ovulation, and the luteal phase that your basal body temperature increases.
If you regularly track this (this requires commitment!), you should be able to identify when your body has moved into the ovulation phase, and therefore the end of your follicular phase.
A long follicular phase is anything over 7 days, and can be caused by the follicles in your ovaries taking longer to mature.
A short follicular phase is anything under 7 days. This common for anyone over the age of 30, as your number of follicles decrease as you age.
A short follicular phase can also mean your LH levels are staying lower than normal. If you’re worried about this, speak to your Doctor or a Gynaecologist.
As we wrap up the follicular phase, remember that understanding this part of your menstrual cycle is not just about tracking dates – it’s about piecing the different parts of the puzzle together and knowing how your body works. Understanding how your body transitions from one phase to the next, and it’s purpose.
When we understand the follicular phase, you can begin to embrace your body’s rhythm and harness the power of the follicular phase to benefit you.
Whether you’re planning a baby or just aiming to feel as best as you can throughout your cycle, recognising and appreciating the role of the follicular phase is a game changer.
Make the most of those follicular phase vibrant days!
Where we get the information for this article from
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